Most distributed systems are exposed to some failure modes that can simultaneously take out multiple nodes, such as the failure of a shared power feed or networking hardware. In the cloud, this possibility for correlated failures is presented abstractly as zones (AWS and GCE) or fault domains (Azure), and you may have a similar abstraction in your own data centres too. The implication is that correlated failures may occur within each zone, and you should design for this, but failures across zones should be independent. Indeed, the AWS EC2 SLA considers a single-zone failure not even to be a service-level outage.

Zones are also a limited resource. There are few regions in AWS and GCE that have more than three zones. Three zones is the absolute minimum for running a distributed consensus algorithm such as Paxos or Raft: any fewer and a one-zone failure can take down your system.

A Raft cluster is defined in terms of the current set of nodes, and the allowed reconfigurations are those that add or remove a single node from the set. The reason for this is that every majority subset of a set N of nodes intersects every majority subset of N ∪ {n}, so a one-node reconfiguration can’t introduce inconsistency. Suppose you have three zones, A, B and C, containing three nodes a, b and c1, and suppose you want to replace c1 with a new node c2, also in zone C. The reconfiguration sequence you need is one of the following:

a b c1 c2
Y Y Y  
Y Y   Y
a b c1 c2
Y Y Y  
Y Y    
Y Y   Y

In either case, in the interim configuration the system is exposed to the risk that a single-zone failure takes the system down. If using simple sets-of-nodes configurations then the only solution to this is to use a fourth zone, which will be expensive if it’s even possible. However if you use a slightly more general type of configuration based on assigning each node an integer weight then the need for an extra zone can be avoided. In this setup the allowed reconfigurations are those that increment or decrement the weight of a single node by one, which also has the property that the majorities before a reconfiguration intersect the majorities after the reconfiguration, and this allows the following sequence:

a b c1 c2
2 2 2  
2 2 2 1
2 2 1 1
2 2 1 2
2 2   2

At every step of this sequence, every zone holds less than half of the total weight which means the system is resilient to any single-zone failure.

For proofs of the statements about the intersections of majorities, see Appendix A of the Unbounded pipelining in Paxos paper.