Bayesian bisection
The Doomsday rule: mental day-of-week calculations
Tracking down a seven-year-old segfault
Testing storage for corruption bugs
Corruption detection in Lucene and Elasticsearch
Rolling packet captures
Ambiguous clocks
Identifying leap years
Timezone-sensitive rounding
Programming an ATMega328P with a Raspberry Pi
Kitty Grundman's self referential puzzle
The self-referential aptitude test
Working with timezones
Uncrossing lines
Twinkly lights
Arithmetic in the Rijndael field
Floyd's loop-finding algorithm
Partial functions in Isabelle/HOL
Fairness properties in refinement proofs
Using TLA's induction rule
Stopped clocks
Refining specifications in TLA+ and Isabelle/HOL
TLA+ in Isabelle/HOL
The names of Java's functional interfaces
Timezone curiosities
Catch-up-free elections
Strong leadership in Paxos clusters
UPaxos and primary-backup replication
Zero-copy Paxos
Faster commitment in small Paxos clusters
Haskell experience report
Observability in Paxos clusters
Pre-voting in distributed consensus
Weighted majorities
More rate limiting
Visualising distributions
Rate limiting
Dependency matrices
Scenes from Paxos
Observing linearisability
Visualise, don't optimise
Safety of the Synod algorithm
Unbounded pipelining in dynamically reconfigurable Paxos clusters
Bisection in DCVSs
The Otley Igloo
Nominal Domain Theory for Concurrency